Waste Management
After Identifying where the trash is and where it is coming from, we can take steps to address the problem. We are aiming to remove the waste from our waters and fixing waste collection mistakes that are leading to the waste we see in our waterways.
Applying Drone Data
Our proposed drone program will give more specific information on where the trash patches are in our waterways. This new system can give more detailed locational data than we have ever had before. With the additional understanding of how floating waste travels with the currents of the ocean, we can find where the major sources of pollution may be coming from so we could attempt to stop it at the source and collect the waste in the most efficient manner possible.
Waste Shark
We propose using an existing technology that is not being utilized in as wide spread of a manner. The Waste Shark is an innovative water based drone that can be sent out and collect up to 100 kg of floating trash in our water ways. A fleet of Waste Sharks will be controlled by operators and is our primary means of water based waste collection. The specificity given with the control of this drone will allow control over picking up patches of trash that may threaten our immediate coastlines.
Preventative Measures
Experts agree that we need to bolster the preventative measures we should take to limit any trash from entering our oceans in the first place(43). If we can manage our land based waste before it makes to our waterways then we can limit the growth of the trash that must be dealt with. (16) We plan on doing this through education. Implementing signs around drainage infrastructure to remind the citizens that these ports lead to our waterways. Additionally implementing signs on our cost lines to remind individuals not to leave any trash in their wake. Most single use plastics can be attributed to individual consumers (43), but this can come from littering and failures in our waste management infrastructure.
Landfill Management
Landfills collect most of the physical pollution that humanity creates and can be prone to leaking physical and chemical pollution. Wind and water are known to pick up lighter pieces of trash such as plastics. Fixing these landfill shortfalls will result in a more secure landfill that will not reintroduce waste into our waterways. (16) It is challenging to retrofit existing landfills, but there are steps to be taken to limit escaping pollutants. Ideally, more research will be done to implement in new landfills these measures that will make them more effective.